H-alfa Telescope Lunt 100, SÚH Hurbanovo
H-alfa filter - FWHM 0,7 A
Coudé Refractor, Historical Building of the
D/f : 150/2250 mm
H- alfa Telescope Lunt 100 - chromosphere disk (archive) |
03-02-2025, 08:23
UT |
Image archive H-alpha Coronograph,
H-alpha filter - FWHM 0.6 nm
Data archive - Solar Activity and Eart´s
Magnetic Mield
208 |
5 |
sip |
stp |
np |
- days withonput observation – cloudy weathe4r, technical problems, etc.np5
R - relative number: refractor Coudé 150/2250 mm,
projection methodi susedwith a diameter of the Sun 25 cm npmp
O - image quality: 1 - the worst image and 5 –
the best image according to the following scale:
– only big sunspots are visible, granulation isinvisible,
– smaller spots are visible, sometimes the granulation also,
3 – tiny spots are visible, granulation is
well visible,
– granulation and pores are well visible,
5 – all details are well visible.
Observers: L. Pastorek, E. Hodálová
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EMP – Earth’s magnetic field: H-variometer is used to
register disturbance of the horizontal component of the EMP. We
evaluate regularly eight 3-hour intervals between 6.00 UT of the
actual day and 6.00 UT of the following day. We report the
following status for the disturbance:
np - non-disturbed,
mp - moderate disturbance,
stp - strong disturbance,
sip - severe disturbance.
Evaluated by: I. Kuvik
Monthly evolution of the
relative number:
Webpage created by: Ivan Dorotovič ivan.dorotovic @suh.sk
Updated by: Eleonóra Hodálová eleonora.hodalova @suh.sk